Why Imacs

Why Imacs

Many of the bigger challenges within nursing homes are quality related. For example, Fall incidents, Diaper rashes, Slow responses to calls , Medication management and so on are the major safety concern for nursing facilities.

Patient Falls

Patient fall is one of the major concerned and also it can lead to an expensive treatment as well as it may cause life threatened. Statistics show that a typical 100 beds facility reports up to 200 fall incidents a year. In reality this number is much higher because a lot of fall incidents goes unreported.

Diaper Rashes

Generally, an elderly resident in a nursing home with urinary incontinence will need a diaper change six to eight times a day. Otherwise, the patient can suffer from problems like skin lesions from mixed organisms, associated symptoms like discharges and it can lead to fungal or bacterial infections, Urinary infections and so on. Since the care taker is not being notified on time that the diaper needs to be changed, the periodic diaper change hardly happens and this leads to patient uncomfortable.

Slow Responses to Calls

When residents seek help using in-house calling systems, since it is not integrated, it will not deliver the message to the care giver and the response time can delay due to the reasons that the staff could be extremely work loaded or they might forget to attend the call and may not respond as quickly as patient’s demand. In fact, there is no data created for this delay response. As a result, it can lead to a significant increase in complaints, as the patients feels that their needs are not being addressed in a timely fashion.